Alessi Slow Coffee filter and jug
Alessi Slow Coffee filter and jug
Alessi Slow Coffee filter and jug
Alessi Slow Coffee filter and jug
Alessi Slow Coffee filter and jug
Alessi Slow Coffee filter and jug
Alessi Slow Coffee filter and jug
Alessi Slow Coffee filter and jug

Slow Coffee filter and jug



Slow Coffee filter and jug


The Alessi Slow Coffee product series encourages you to savor not only the cup of coffee itself but also the moment of making it. Grinding the coffee beans, carefully pouring water over the grounds, and witnessing the coffee slowly drip into the pot, even the most mundane morning coffee transforms into a calming sensorial ritual.

According to designer Keiji Takeuchi, 'drinking a coffee' is very different from 'having a coffee,' the latter being a more all-encompassing experience. Preparing the drink offers a moment for reflection and awakening the senses: imagine the aroma of the coffee beans, the "drip, drip, drip" as the coffee flows into the pot, and the delicious first sip of coffee you've prepared from the very beginning.

This set includes a glass coffee pot, a porcelain filter holder, and a stainless steel permanent filter – no separate paper filters are needed. The pot holds 7 decilitres, i.e. coffee for two.

Heat resistant
glass, porcelain, 18/10 stainless steel.
White, clear, chrome
9.06 in (23 cm)
4.13 in (10.5 cm)
Measurement details
Carafe: diameter 3.54 x 0 in (9 x cm, cm), height 6.1 in (15.5 cm)
Filter: outer diameter 4.13 x 0 in (10.5 x cm, cm), inner diameter 9.5, height 2.95 in (7.5 cm)
0.74 qt (0.7 l)
Including heat resistant glass carafe, porcelain filter holder and stainless steel mesh filter.
Care instructions
The carafe, filter holder and filter are dishwasher-safe. If the micro-holes in the filter get clogged,
soak for a few minutes in hot water and dishwashing detergent, then rinse well and
dry thoroughly.

Keiji Takeuchi

Keiji Takeuchi (b. 1977) is a Japanese-born designer who has studied product design in New Zealand and Paris, and worked at Naoto Fukasawa's office for years. Today, Takeuchi lives in Milan where he established his own studio in 2015.

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